Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thing #2: Get Blog-ified

     It's all about presentation and display. The blog, that is. And it has to look good and be easy for others to digest in order for it to be effective. Bells and whistles aren't necessary - but a design based delivering the content is. Having  countless choices at the outset in bringing this digital assignment to life was akin to being a kid in a candy store. What was the background going to look like? What would I name my blog? Would my avatar haunt me in my dreams? So many options...

     Creativity was embraced, ideas were tossed around (many of which were tossed out) and the final product was welcomed with all the anticipation that goes with it. Bringing this blog to life and nurturing it in the coming weeks has nothing to do with work. It's fun. Which is one facet of teaching that should never be forgotten.


  1. I really like your blog layout. Great color choices and background. I am also a history teacher to-be.

  2. I completely agree that we should never forget to make learning fun! If kids are having fun they don't even realize that they are learning. Isn't that kinda sneaky.
